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Welcome to YOGA 4, a revolutionary new yoga concept based in Hartford Cheshire, designed to bring the power and benefits of yoga practice to you. Our classes are specifically designed around your needs, so whether you’re a seasoned yogi looking for excellent teaching, a sports person looking for ways to take care of your body and improve your performance or an individual suffering from a particular ailment or medical condition our experts are here to help you. 

Memberships and Pricing

Private 1-2-1 Sessions

Our 1-2-1 sessions are a bespoke service allowing you to get the most out of your yoga practice, so whether you're an elite athlete or have a particular condition you would like help with our experts are here to guide you and write you a personalised at home practice plan.

Ready to Ride


Health & Vitality

Beginner Flow

First Session Free

Thursdays: 18:45 - 19:45

The Grange School Pavilion


Are you thinking of starting Yoga but don't know where to start? Beginner Flow  Yoga 4 Health and Vitality is the perfect place to start your yoga journey.  A gentle flow class that introduces the basic movements of yoga and promotes movement, mobility, flexibility and gentle core development. 


Beginners Flow Yoga 4 Health & Vitaility will leave you feeling strong, calm and ready to face the day




Yoga Class


Health & Vitality

Beginner Flow

Friends On A Walk

Intermediate Flow


Athletic Yogis, Athletes & Sports!


 Athletic Yogis,

Athletes & Sports!

Intermediate Flow

First Session Free

Tuesdays: 19:30 - 20:30

The Grange School Pavilion, Hartford

Yoga 4 Runners, Cyclists, Athletes & Sports classes are designed around helping you achieve best level performance and improved longevity whatever your level. Active recovery, improved range of motion, core development and attention to joint care are all part of Yoga 4 Runners, Cyclists, Athletes & Sports.


As athletes we tend to focus improvements in vco2 capacity, power output and technical skill however science shows that athletes who not only train but take care of their joints, fascia and alignment not only perform better but suffer from less injuries and improved longevity.


You service your bike so why not service your body!





Ready to Ride


Riders & Grooms!

First Session Free

From: Mondays

Kelsall Hill Equestrian Centre, Kelsall

18:30 - 19:30


As riders and grooms we spend much of our time looking after and training our horses to be fitter, stronger and better aligned that we often forget about ourselves and that horse riding is a partnership. You are as important as your horse


Yoga 4 Riders and grooms is specifically designed to bring you back into alignment, develop core strength, balance and mobility so you can help your horse perform to its best whatever your level of riding. 




Ready to Ride


Riders & Grooms!

Friends On A Walk


Back Care, Joint Care & Mobility!


Back Care, Joint Care & Mobility!

First Session Free

It is estimated that up to 84% of people suffer from back pain at some point in their life.  Yoga 4 Back Classes classes are gentle, safe and non-intrusive classes that are designed to help manage and over time improve your back pain*. Quite often when we are in pain and discomfort the tendency can be to stop moving entirely but this can often make matters worse. Gentle, mindful movement can be greatly healing and help us on our way to feeling great again. 



If you have a condition and think yoga could help you. Contact us here with your requirements


Please consult your doctor prior to attendance



Hartford, Northwich, 

Cheshire, UK


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Hartford, Northwich, 

Cheshire, UK


07825 955905



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