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I'm Sarah, founder of Yoga 4.

I'm a mum, sports lover and all around outdoor person. I love cooking, healthy eating, and helping people achieve their full potential.

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My Story

As I child I was always into sport, all sport, any sport, you name it I did it. From football to ice skating, volleyball to rowing, horse riding to trampolining it was the thing that made life great!

I had 2 major sporting influences in my life:

  • My Dad - Also a lover of all sports. If we weren't playing sport we were on the sofa watching sport.

  • Mr Price - Head of PE at Holmes Chapel School. No one could have ever had a better PE teacher. He inspired a whole generation of Holmes Chapel kids to love sport. We did sport every lunch time, All different sports and to be honest every afternoon we'd go back to class still covered in mud and a bit smelly just so we could play a little longer. Then we went straight back to the field as soon as lessons were over.


My love of sport took me to university where I studied sport science and began my yoga journey to supplement my other sporting endeavours. Then the world of work took over and for the next 20 years I sort of forgot about how much I loved sport. I worked hard and for 15 years was the Managing Director of a large hotel. I stayed fit, I ran, I rode horses (not very well) and I practised yoga but I lost that feeling that sport brings until.....


My little boy fell in love with Sport!!! Hurrah!!!


Not just any sport. He fell in love with Motocross, not something that i'd ever really come across, although I do remember watching it on Grandstand about 30 years ago. It seemed to be a very male dominated environment and they all seemed to know what they were doing but we set about trying to learn this new sport. It took me back to places I had completely forgotten about. The joy and devastation, the management of emotions, the acquisition of skill, the triumph of victory and the emptiness of defeat. I love it, it drove me to seek knowledge on sport psychology, mechanics, strength and conditioning and brought me home to my first love of sport performance. 


So I eventually came to a point where I wanted to do something more in life than going up and down the motorway, making money for other people. I wanted to do something that made me feel alive so I gave up my proper job and did my 200 hour yoga instructor course with the intention of being able to spend more time helping achieve motocross dreams. Whilst doing my qualification I had to find guinea pigs to teach and film to submit for marking.  My guinea pigs were my sister and her partner, both of whom happen to be tri-athletes and at the end of our sessions they both said how beneficial they found the practice, that they would love to do yoga more often but that the provision around them doesn't really suit their needs.


BOOM! the big idea, I could marry my love and knowledge of sport with my love and knowledge of yoga to really help the people I admire the most. Athletes and sports people! I could help them improve their performance and longevity through better understanding, improved range of motion, core strength and better alignment. 


So Yoga 4 was born! 2023




If you love your sport and would like to work with me or discuss how yoga can help you please don't hesitate to get in touch using the details below

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